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Speech of the President


Mr. Ma Xuyao, the Chairman, and the Secretary of the Party Committee of Fast Group

All employees and families,

Autumn breeze brings cool to welcome joyous festival, and the earth sings in praises of the prosperous era. On the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the National Day, the 55th anniversary of the establishment of Fast Group and the 22nd anniversary of the establishment of Fast Gear Co., Ltd., on behalf of the Party Committee, Board of Directors and Manager's Office of the Group Company, I would like to extend my high respects and kind holiday greetings to all employees and family members who have made important contributions to the development of the Enterprise. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and sincere greetings to all the leaders at all levels and friends from all walks of life who care, support and help the development of Fast!

More than half a century ago, in order to change the passive situation of "lack of heavy duty and light duty vehicles" in China's automotive industry, our Enterprise was born on the important blueprint of developing the national automotive industry. Since then, a vision of self-reliance and strong struggle has slowly unfolded with the Third-Front Movement in full swing. Generations of builders, strivers and dream chasers have integrated the "Third-Front Spirit" into their blood, condensed and inherited the enterprise spirit of "unity, pragmatism, tenacity and exploration", and deeply cultivated in the field of automotive transmission one after another.

Learning from the past is the key to foresee the future, and following the right path can achieve ambitious goals. At present, the changes of the times, development and industry are unfolding in an unprecedented manner. How can we keep our initial aspirations and move forward with determination in actively recognizing and adapting to changes, and realize the high-quality development of enterprises with high-tech self-reliance? Only by strengthening confidence, making achievements for a long time, focusing on the main business without distractions, and depicting a blueprint to the end.

Persist in focusing on the main business without distractions. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "all successful enterprises, in order to climb to the peak of their careers, must rely on their focus on main business without distractions." Fast has been deeply involved in the field of automotive transmission for 55 years, has a deep accumulation in industry cognition, technical reserve, market coverage, management experience, cultural heritage and brand reputation, which is the core advantage that no enterprise can obtain overnight. As long as we continue to specialize in the field of automotive transmission and strive to transform this core advantage into practical actions that meet the requirements of the times, meet market demands and solve users' demands, Fast’s business will move from victory to new victory.

Stick to depicting a blueprint to the end. General Secretary Xin Jinping emphasized that "a good blueprint, as long as it is scientific, practical and in line with the wishes of the people, everyone must continue to work one after another." The blueprint depicted by Fast is a part of the blueprint of China's automotive industry, a part of Shaanxi's blueprint of China’s modernization, and a part of the grand blueprint of national rejuvenation and powerful country building. Only by depicting this blueprint well can we ensure the everlasting foundation of Fast, continuously improve the sense of acquisition, happiness and security of all employees, and fulfill the sacred mission of "doing our best for the prosperity of China's automotive industry" and hand over a satisfactory answer to the Party and the Country. 

Those who start sharply must consider the results and outcome, and those who achieve success always design at the beginning. Standing at the critical juncture of the "14th Five-Year Plan", we respect history, improve and innovate on the basis of history and have firm will in ambition. The strategic objectives of the four major sectors, core traditional business, intelligent and new energy business, international market sales and new business forms, are scientific and concrete, which are the long-term plans for the future development of the Enterprise based on the critical period of transformation and upgrading, and are the concentrated reflections of the collective wisdom of the decision-making level of the Enterprise. As long as we persist in focusing on the main business without distractions, depict a blueprint to the end, maintain strategic strength, adhere to systematic thinking, insist on goals, work hard, and consistently implement the established planning drawings and construction drawings, we can promote the Enterprise to achieve balanced layout and full development of the four major business sectors with high quality and efficiency, and strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Fast, making new and greater contributions to realizing the Enterprise ideal of a century and promoting the construction of a powerful automotive country. 
